Last Cass Post
Since we only needed to do ten posts for Comm. 340 this will be my last post for class. And the subject of choice is Fans and How Far Is To Far. Ok, not I will happily admit to being a Trekee. Hell I went to my fifth grade Halloween party as Spock. I still have the ears. I’ve seen every episode of the Original Series, The Next Generation, and Voyager, a minimum of six times each. And I own both the Official Star Trek Trivia Game (purchased in 1992/1993) and the Star Trek Monopoly game (technically my mother owns the Monopoly game – she collects Monopoly games). I even have a Star Fleet manual from the original series, and several other pieces of memorabilia.
Now I see no problem having a uniform mad if you wish to go to a convention, or even if you just want to have one. Going to jury duty in it is a bit eccentric, but whatever floats your boat. As for baying a thousand dollars for a costume piece worn by one of the characters in an actual show; Hell the guy got a deal. Do you have any idea how much time and effort when in to making those pieces. And when you consider how rare it is for a studio to offer on of its props/costume for sail. That only usually happens for charity events. They’re normally either locked in a vault, placed in a museum, or destroyed (last option doesn’t happen often, but if the item is damaged or something along those lines it my be scraped for its materials depending on what it is). Studios don’t like to give up their property, that’s why people bay through the nose for the stuff.
As for a Star Trek or Star Wars wedding. Can we say Vegas? There has got to be and Elvis Wedding Chappell every fifty feet or so.
Ok some people take it way to far. But I'm not going to judge how far is actually too far. Of course when that person starts to personally scare me (and it takes a lot for a fan to actually scar me – if you ever see me at an Amine convention you’ll understand), then I’ll admit they’ve crossed a line and have left sanity far behind them. But until then I say let them be and have their fun.
Ok the guy who bought the “Q-virus” and actually drank it went too far. That was almost seemed Stacker creepy.
Now I see no problem having a uniform mad if you wish to go to a convention, or even if you just want to have one. Going to jury duty in it is a bit eccentric, but whatever floats your boat. As for baying a thousand dollars for a costume piece worn by one of the characters in an actual show; Hell the guy got a deal. Do you have any idea how much time and effort when in to making those pieces. And when you consider how rare it is for a studio to offer on of its props/costume for sail. That only usually happens for charity events. They’re normally either locked in a vault, placed in a museum, or destroyed (last option doesn’t happen often, but if the item is damaged or something along those lines it my be scraped for its materials depending on what it is). Studios don’t like to give up their property, that’s why people bay through the nose for the stuff.
As for a Star Trek or Star Wars wedding. Can we say Vegas? There has got to be and Elvis Wedding Chappell every fifty feet or so.
Ok some people take it way to far. But I'm not going to judge how far is actually too far. Of course when that person starts to personally scare me (and it takes a lot for a fan to actually scar me – if you ever see me at an Amine convention you’ll understand), then I’ll admit they’ve crossed a line and have left sanity far behind them. But until then I say let them be and have their fun.
Ok the guy who bought the “Q-virus” and actually drank it went too far. That was almost seemed Stacker creepy.