Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cool and Uncool

"Merchants of Cool" gave voice to what everyone secretly thinks but never really says or even really realizes that they think it. Nobody ever seemed to realize it but the marketers have always been selling what’s ‘cool’. Nobody ever seemed to ask way what they were selling us was cool; we just accepted it as being cool. After seeing the video and thinking back you realize that what they were selling you was cool because you’re the ones who told them it was cool in the first place. But of course they harp on it and then it becomes uncool. So the whole thing starts allover again. And the sad thing is that even if you still like the item that is no longer cool you have to give it up because it’s now uncool. I don’t now what’s sadder. The fact that we need big companies to tell us what we already know is cool is actually cool. Or that we will willingly give up something that we enjoy just to stay cool.


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